Oscillatory Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy - OPEP Therapy
OPEP Therapy
Oscillating (or vibratory) positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) therapy is a small handheld device that helps to loosen and clear the excess mucus and secretions from the lungs. Using simple inhalation and exhalation techniques, the device sends gentle vibrations to help exercise the lungs and keep them healthy.
Features & Benefits
- Simple and easy to use
- Easy to clean and disinfect - dishwasher safe
- Helps to expel excess mucus, aiding lung hygiene & preventing infection
- May decreases cough frequency and reduces breathlessness
- Adjustable resistance settings
- Allows inhalation and exhalation without removing from mouth
- Can be used in any position or orientation
- Provides little interruption to daily living
- Lightweight, ergonomic design fits comfortably in the hand
Ideal for People With:
- Atelectasis
- Asthma
- Cystic fibrosis
- Lung Disease
Please contact us today at 1-833-904-2473 to see if an OPEP device is right for you.
Our licensed clinical therapists are experts in oxygen therapy and sleep apnea testing and treatment. -
Our dedicated team will work with you to ensure that your therapy meets your health and lifestyle needs. -
Individualized approach
We will create a personalized care plan tailored to your needs and health status.