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Canada’s food guide might help you sleep better!

Published on October 06, 2022

3 minutes

Pack on the fruits and veggies - Canada’s Food Guide encourages Canadians on what to eat, which foods to avoid and the importance of cooking and preparing foods at home.

Replacing the outdated idea of food groups and portions, the new guide instead opts for recommended food proportions and combinations, providing Canadians with a more versatile and accommodating reference that can be tailored to the different cultures, preferences and dietary restrictions of today’s Canadians.

Find out what you can do to make healthy food choices and feel better overall, in addition to potentially improving your sleep.

How to sleep better with Canada's new food guide

The most important takeaways from Canada’s Food Guide

  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods and protein foods. Choose protein foods that come from plants more often.
  • Choose foods with healthy fats. Limit highly processed foods. If you choose these foods, eat them less often and in smaller amounts.
  • Prepare meals and snacks using ingredients that have little to no added sodium, sugars or saturated fat. Choose healthier menu options when eating out
  • Make water your drink of choice. Replace sugary drinks with water

Healthy snack ideas that follow Canada’s food guide

Snacks are small portion foods or drinks that we consume between meals. Many Canadians say eating a balanced diet is challenging because they are on-the-run, so eating healthy snacks, or mini-meals that offer some nutritional value and an energy boost is helpful. Snacks are different than treats, such as cookies, chocolate and chips, which are not nourishing. Here are five helpful ways to approach snacking on a busy day:


Keep a variety of healthy, ready-to-eat snacks on hand for when you get hungry. Being prepared helps you avoid less-healthy snacks.


Instead of snacking from a large bag or box, take a portion and put it on a plate or bowl.


Ask yourself: am I truly hungry, or am I eating because I am bored, tired or stressed?


Avoid munching while looking at a screen, driving or working. You may eat more than you need if you’re distracted from your feeling of fullness.


About half of all Canadians don’t eat enough vegetables or fruit. Snacking on them between meals is a great way to add more.

Try these delicious healthy snacks!

We asked dietitians about their favourite snacks. Here are 11 great ideas!

  • Carrots and peppers with hummus
  • Almond butter on banana slices
  • Greek yogurt topped with berries
  • Whole grain toast with peanut butter
  • Cheddar cheese and apple slices
  • Small handful of trail mix made with nuts, seeds and raisins*
  • Roasted chickpeas and popcorn mix*
  • Whole grain cereal with milk
  • Sliced vegetables with yogurt dip
  • Tuna on crackers
  • Whole grain toast with avocado and sesame seeds
Great to keep in your bag, car or desk drawer!

Dieticians Canada put together a fun meal-planner for healthy eating advice. Visit Cook Inspiration for food and nutrition information and delicious recipes. Nutritious snacks, in the right portion sizes, can also be part of a healthy eating plan.

With your Sleep Apnea effectively treated, eating a healthy diet will help you feel energized in time for spring!